What a year for Hampton Court Spirits! Being a small business is fast-paced and action-packed, so we just wanted to take a moment to look back at some highlights from 2024, and thank all our customers for making it such a successful year.
From developing the recipe for our gorgeous new ready to drink The Father Rum and Ginger with lime, product launch, and winning-gold at the Global RTD masters…
Being selected to represent the “Best of British” at the British Consulate in LA’s Oscars reception, with cocktails featuring our gin and rum being served in Barbie and Saltburn themed rooms…
Our “Tasting at the Tate Modern”…
Winning a second Global Rum Masters Award for our golden spiced rum The Father…
Partnerships with fabulous like-minded brands, Made Kind, Rita Farhi and Oh Callie Callie…
Achieving premium new listings at Tate Modern, Gloucester Services Farm Shop, Startling Bistro, and Big Smoke and Small Batch Social at London airports...
Features in Vogue and Good Housekeeping...
And attending a packed schedule of brilliant events, sampling and meeting so many wonderful spirits lovers…
We wish you all a happy and healthy 2025 – and we’re excited for what’s in store this year…!
Cheers from the Hampton Court Spirits Team!